The Importance of Rigid Trackers in Increasing Energy Yield with Large Modules, including Technical and Economical Case Studies


The Importance of Rigid Trackers in Increasing Energy Yield with Large Modules, including Technical and Economical Case Studies

Solarabic welcomes you to join this webinar to discuss “The Importance of Rigid Trackers in Increasing Energy Yield with Large Modules, including Technical and Economical Case Studies”

Arctech Solar, one of the world’s leading manufacturers and solution providers of solar tracking and racking systems, is sponsoring this webinar.


  1. Tracking solutions with large PV modules pose a number of issues.
  2. Impact of tracker stow parameter optimization
  3. Technical Case Study: The effect of a flat stow location and a higher wind stow speed on energy yield
  4. Economic Case Study: predicting increased project revenues and improved IRR using superior tracker technologies.

Our Keynote Speakers:

Arctech’s Pedro Magalhes, Director of Global Engineering and R&D

Mahindra Teqo’s Satish Pandey, Head of Analytics and Advisory.

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