Spotlight on Miguel Hernandez, CEO - MAI Group

Miguel Hernandez

About Miguel:

I am Miguel A. Hernandez, the CEO of MAI Group, a leading consulting and engineering firm based in Madrid. I joined MAI in 2008, bringing my extensive background in energy management and consulting to support the company's growth. Prior to MAI, I held several managerial positions at Union Fenosa, a major Spanish utility company, which provided me with valuable experience in the energy sector.

I hold a degree in Power Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, a degree in Political Sciences from the Spanish National University, and an Advanced Management Program from IESE Business School. My commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices is evident in MAI's projects. As a recognized thought leader, I also actively promote sustainable energy practices at industry conferences and forums.


Please describe your role at MAI Group as well as your industry expertise.

During the time I have been CEO, MAI has further expanded its operations globally, offering consulting and engineering services to both corporate clients and governments. Likewise, MAI has also expanded its portfolio of services to provide better services to its clients. 

From an expert perspective, I may humbly say that I am known for my ability to navigate the technical and regulatory challenges of the energy sector, and my leadership has been instrumental in MAI's success. I frequently engage with high-level stakeholders, including government ministers and senior executives of major energy companies, to discuss and devise solutions for the energy and water challenges facing various regions.


What motivated MAI Group to invest in MENA's solar industry?

Our focus on the MENA region's solar industry is driven by various factors. The region's rapid population growth and economic expansion have led to a heightened demand for energy. Solar power emerges as a sustainable solution to address this escalating need while lessening reliance on fossil fuels. Moreover, the region's abundant sunlight year-round makes it an enticing hub for solar energy production.

Additionally, governments across the MENA region have increasingly embraced renewable energy initiatives. MAI Group recognizes these governmental incentives as an opportunity to leverage the region's solar potential for development. By supporting the establishment of clean energy infrastructure in MENA, MAI Group actively contributes to curbing carbon emissions and minimizing environmental impact, aligning with the company's sustainability objectives.

Finally, our dedication to the MENA solar industry extends to our valued customers who are flourishing in the region. Their success fuels our optimism for the future, and we're committed to supporting them every step of the way. Together, we're paving the path towards a brighter, sustainable future in solar energy.


Can you tell us about what sets you apart from other competitors?

What truly distinguishes us is our comprehensive portfolio of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients. In the energy sector, we specialize in renewables, offering end-to-end services for the development of solar and wind power plants. This includes everything from feasibility studies and yield assessments to tendering support and project management. 

Furthermore, we recognize the pivotal role of storage and hydrogen technologies in grid sustainability and energy decarbonization. Additionally, our capabilities encompass transmission and distribution services, with a focus on power system analysis, master planning, and detailed engineering for networks and Smart Grids up to 750KV.

Overall, our commitment to excellence, depth of experience, and comprehensive service offerings make us a trusted partner for clients seeking sustainable energy solutions tailored to their specific needs.


What's a recent milestone MAI Group has achieved that you would like to share with us?

Since 2006 MAI has been working in the region with more than 180 successful projects implemented. Over recent years, MAI Group has proudly secured several new contracts and extensions from private developers for renewable projects across the MENA, particularly in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Oman, Egypt, and Morocco. These contracts primarily entail providing Lender’s Technical Advisory Services, reaffirming our commitment to advancing sustainable energy solutions in the region.

Given the significant volume of projects in the Middle East, we are planning to expand in the region with local presence. This strategic expansion will enable us to better serve our clients and further contribute to the region's renewable energy landscape.

What are your expectations for the MENA region in terms of growth and new opportunities for MAI Group?

Our expectations for the MENA region are buoyant, as we anticipate significant growth and exciting new opportunities for MAI Group. We envision replicating the success we've achieved in the renewable energy sector within the water industry, thereby strengthening our position as one of the leading consultancy firms in the region.

Firstly, the increasing emphasis on sustainability and renewable energy initiatives presents fertile ground for our expertise and services. With governments and private sectors alike prioritizing the transition towards clean energy solutions, we anticipate a surge in demand for our consultancy and advisory services, particularly in the renewable energy sector.

In summary, we are ready to embrace the growing prospects within the MENA region. By leveraging our expertise, broadening our range of services, and forging strategic partnerships, we aim to foster sustainable growth and provide exceptional value to our clients and stakeholders.

How do you see the effects of the increasing adoption of solar energy on the MENA's economy in the coming years?

By diversifying their energy mix with solar power, countries in the MENA region can either reduce their reliance on imported fossil fuels, leading to greater energy security and stability or use the relaced resources to increase country’s export. This, in turn, can positively impact trade balances and reduce vulnerability to fluctuations in global energy markets. 

The adoption of solar energy helps reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the environmental impact of traditional energy sources. This can lead to improved air quality, public health, and overall environmental sustainability, which in turn can have positive socio-economic effects. In addition to that the development and operation of solar projects require a skilled workforce, creating employment opportunities across various sectors, including construction, engineering, and maintenance. This influx of jobs can help reduce unemployment rates and stimulate economic growth.

In summary, diversifying their energy mix with solar power enhances MENA countries' energy security, trade balances, and environmental sustainability while creating jobs and stimulating economic growth.


About MAI Group:


MAI Group is a consultancy and engineering company with 25 years of experience providing services in the Management Consulting, Energy, Water and Environment sectors across the entire project cycle. MAI represents to date the addition of former Mercados Aries International, Ambinor, Oficina Tecnica Grupo Alta Tensión and Gesambiente.

MAI offers consolidated and incorporated experience and know-how from 4,500 projects over 145 countries in 5 continents and over 250 highly skilled professionals serving in its projects and has advised more than 45,000MW renewables across the world.

We offer a comprehensive portfolio of services and solutions for all client needs within a sustainable vision, focusing on the following fields in the Energy area:

  • Renewables where we provide all kinds of services for Solar and Wind Power Plants development. It includes, among others, LTAs, yield assessments, optimization, feasibility studies, tendering support (EPC, FIDIC or similar) and project management and supervision.
  • Storage and Hydrogen constitutes the future for the sustainability of the grid and decarbonization of energy and other sectors. Our portfolio includes analysis of solutions, optimization, feasibility studies, tendering support and project management and supervision.

Transmission and Distribution services (up to 800KV) include power system analysis, master planning, feasibilities studies and project implementation support (FIDIC or similar) and detailed engineering for all kinds of networks and Smart Grids.