Spotlight on Innovation - DAS Solar at World Future Energy Summit

Spotlight on Innovaion - DAS Solar at World Future Energy Summit
Vinod Anthraper
Sales Director – MENA 


1. You recently exhibited at the World Future Energy Summit; could you please tell us your primary reasons for being at the exhibition?

The World Future Energy Summit (WFES) is renowned as one of the premier global exhibitions, especially prominent in the MENA region. Our primary motivation for participating in this prestigious event was to leverage the platform it provides for showcasing our latest advancements in solar technology. The WFES attracts a diverse and influential audience, including industry leaders, innovators, policy makers, and potential customers. For Das Solar, this exhibition was an invaluable opportunity to present our cutting-edge solar solutions, network with key stakeholders, and gain insights into the latest industry trends and developments. Engaging with such a comprehensive and knowledgeable audience allowed us to highlight our commitment to advancing solar energy technologies and our readiness to meet the growing energy demands with sustainable solutions.


2. Were there any particular announcements or exciting meetings that took place during that week that you would like to share with us today?

The week at WFES was marked by a series of promising and productive meetings for Das Solar. We engaged in several discussions with potential partners and customers, which have the potential to lead to significant collaborations. While we are in the preliminary stages of these negotiations and therefore cannot disclose specific details at this moment, we are optimistic about the outcomes. Our team is diligently working towards finalizing these deals, and we are confident that they will contribute positively to our growth strategy and market presence. Once we succeed in securing a notable agreement, we will be eager to share the exciting news with our network and stakeholders. The enthusiasm and interest shown by various parties during WFES have reinforced our belief in the robust potential of our technology and the strategic direction we are pursuing.


3. Using this platform as a chance to continue connecting with the industry, what would you like to let our network know about your organization?

Das Solar is on an ambitious path of expansion into international markets, driven by our commitment to innovation and sustainability. Recently, DAS Solar received the BBB rating on bankability from PV Tech. This rating signifies our strong financial stability and reliability in delivering high-quality solar products and services, reflecting the confidence the industry has in our ability to meet our commitments and drive sustainable growth. Our goal is to bring advanced, reliable, and efficient solar solutions to a global audience. We are actively seeking collaborations and partnerships that can help us achieve this vision. Whether it is through technological exchanges, joint ventures, or market expansion initiatives, we welcome all opportunities that align with our mission of fostering a sustainable energy future. We are particularly interested in connecting with organizations that share our values of sustainability, innovation, and excellence. As we continue to grow, we remain dedicated to providing top-tier solar products and services that meet the diverse needs of our customers. We invite all interested parties to join us in this journey towards a greener and more sustainable world. Your support and collaboration can make a significant difference as we strive to make renewable energy accessible and impactful across different regions and communities.



About DAS Solar

DAS Solar is a national high-tech enterprise that specializes in the research and development, manufacturing, and sales of high-efficiency solar cells, photovoltaic modules, and system applications. Having fully automated, state-of-the-art, AI enabled manufacturing facilities at 14 locations, it is also a strategic investment enterprise of state-owned companies. With the main aim of developing high efficiency TOPCon technology through in-house R & D and Industry-University research co-operation, DAS Solar was founded in August 2018. Around 20% of its workforce is active in the R & D department and about 5% of its annual revenue is earmarked for R & D activities. This focus in R & D has resulted in DAS Solar having more than 150 patents to its credit. As a leader in N-type photovoltaic technology, it has also established a comprehensive sales network at home and abroad with exports to more than 60 countries and regions. With a production capacity of 30GW for high-efficiency cells and 30GW for high-efficiency modules, DAS Solar has become a leading top-tier brand in the photovoltaic market.